Sunday 10 June 2012

So who am I, and why am I writing this blog?

I am a woman who I would, in the past, have described as intelligent, bright, successful and driven.  On paper, you might think I would be the perfect person to spot a narcissist a mile off. 

Narcissists do not discriminate.  Regardless of race, social background, experience of relationships, intelligence or career, narcissists are everywhere.  I think it is important to note here that when I use the term narcissist, it is in a very general sense.  This covers; what I have now learned from the books I have read, a range of personality disorders that can be loosely described a Borderline Personality Disorder. 

If you are inclined to want to understand this better, as I was, you will find varying descriptions and symptoms to help you identify the disorder.  To be honest, it is very easy when we are deeply in love (with his ideal self, more about that later) to want to say ‘oh no, that’s not him, all the patterns of behaviour don’t apply’.  We do not want to believe it’s true. 

You will know deep down in your heart if you think that generically, under any umbrella term you choose, your partner suffers from some kind of disorder.  The accurate label isn’t going to make this easier so for the purpose of the blog, I will use the term narcissist. 
I had an all-encompassing relationship with my narcissistic partner that ended at the end of March 2012.  We are now in June and I and finding moving on a tricky process.  Having done my own research I find that this is the case for lots of women leaving a narcissistic man. 

Here is my motivation to write the blog.  Feeling alone is a tough part.  If this can help someone else, and in turn help me through the process.  It seems today, as I start this, like a really good idea.